Monday, February 25, 2008

His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1

isn't it interesting how God gets our attention sometimes? i wasn't even planning on writing a blog this morning, but this impacted me so much, i had to.
i was just taking a few minutes to check some other blogs before i start working & ran accross the blog of a friend who was talking about being "real" & being discouraged about how things have been going the last week or so.
i totally identified...the last couple weeks have been rough...REALLY rough! (i'm getting teary just thinking about it!)
anyway, i was preparing to write her an encouraging little comment about understanding how she was feeling, etc. etc. blah blah blah.
in the middle of typing my response, i happened to look up at the calendar hanging on the wall of my dreary little cube -- a calendar that i payed a ridiculous amount for to support my niece's school -- but has scripture verses on it.
what i read brought tears to my eyes. i was absolutely speechless (no small feat for me, as many of you know!)...God definitely had my # this was yet another timely reminder that not only is HE in control...but He knows exactly what i need, when i need it. i hope this verse is a blessing/reminder to you as it was to me...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Please Pray

As a few of you know (& most of you don't know, because I've been too upset to post about it so far) my brother received some very bad news a week ago today. Jeff has been sick since around Christmas time & has had quite a few tests. Last Tuesday he found out he has Hodgkin's. The good news is that after a few more tests we were relieved to find out that it's only stage II. However, he does have to start chemo tomorrow & will have 6 rounds within 12 weeks. At that point they'll run all the tests again to see how everything is & then go from there. So obviously, here's where the prayer comes in:

1) Please pray for my brother...this has been quite a shock to all of us, but he's the one that has to go through it. Chemo is not easy on the body & he will likely be very sick & lose all his hair. He's also going to have to be on disability (after using all his sick/vacation time), but there's no guarantee that he'll even be able to go back to his job (at least not for a very long time, because he works outside in landscaping), so I know that he's worried about insurance, money, etc.

2) Pray for my mom. She's taking this pretty hard because she's been there before (chemo) & she doesn't want her "baby" to have to go through this...she wishes she could go through it for him. Also remember my dad...I know that he's taking this a lot harder than what he's showing us.

3) If you remember me too, that would be great...I live a very long ways away :-( & I'm not sure when or if I'll be able to make it out there to be with my family. It really breaks my heart that my baby brother is having to go through this at such a young age & that I can't be there with him. (you might want to remember Darric too...he's having to deal with all my emotional issues over this!)

The power of prayer is a mighty & awesome thing. Something that we're going to have to rely heavily upon as a family over the next few months. Knowing that our friends & family are praying with us gives us great comfort & we appreciate your thoughts & prayers more than we could ever express in words!

Thanks in advance for all your prayers & you all!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. John 15:12-14
Hope you all have a wonderful & blessed day! Love you all!!!!