Monday, February 25, 2008

His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1

isn't it interesting how God gets our attention sometimes? i wasn't even planning on writing a blog this morning, but this impacted me so much, i had to.
i was just taking a few minutes to check some other blogs before i start working & ran accross the blog of a friend who was talking about being "real" & being discouraged about how things have been going the last week or so.
i totally identified...the last couple weeks have been rough...REALLY rough! (i'm getting teary just thinking about it!)
anyway, i was preparing to write her an encouraging little comment about understanding how she was feeling, etc. etc. blah blah blah.
in the middle of typing my response, i happened to look up at the calendar hanging on the wall of my dreary little cube -- a calendar that i payed a ridiculous amount for to support my niece's school -- but has scripture verses on it.
what i read brought tears to my eyes. i was absolutely speechless (no small feat for me, as many of you know!)...God definitely had my # this was yet another timely reminder that not only is HE in control...but He knows exactly what i need, when i need it. i hope this verse is a blessing/reminder to you as it was to me...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9


LaDonna said...

HE has a plan, and you are absolutely right, He know just what we need!!! We are praying for you guys.

Jerri Ann said...

Hello jen,
of course i remember you. My daughters are my gifts from God. I know I'm going to sound really old. But You're so grown up!" I'll be remembering your family

Lanee M. said...

God is never taken by suprise about anything. Trust Him!
Love and Prayers!

Kim Davis said...

Hello!!!!!!!! Jenn!!! Remember me from our GBS days? Email me sometime ok/ I am praying for your brother! Your friend, Kim

Jody J said...

Hi! This is so weird! I found you from Carrie's blog. I had this strange feeling that I should know you, but could not come up with a maiden name! It finally hit me several hours later! I remember you from waayy back! Great to find you. Hope you all are doing well.
By the way, I know your best friends too. I've known Kerri forever and just met Tawnya last summer at COGH camp.
Great post too! Very encouraging.
Jody (Mowery) Johnson

Carrie said...


Maggie said...

God is so good! Thanks for sharing that verse God gave you today.

God Bless!!

My Life in Pictures said...

Thanks, Jenn, your blog helped me out in a low place. Sorry about your brother. These things are so difficult. I will remember to pray for you.