Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Be Thankful.

So I have to admit, Thanksgiving often gets the shaft around my house. Darric & I are both huge Christmas "fans" (or freaks, as some would probably claim) & I always like to get my decorations up as early as he'll allow & leave them up for as long as I can get by with.
Anyway, even if it already looks like Christmas in my house, I don't want you to think that I don't still have Thanksgiving in my heart. I truly believe that as I grow older, I have come to appreciate more and more what Thanksgiving really means.
I have often thought that it was pretty rotten of the pilgrims to plan Thanksgiving so closely to Christmas that it gets lost in the hustle & bustle of the season celebrating our Lord's birth. (If only I would've been around to point that fact out to them! haha!) On the other hand, maybe it works out...
It's a time to pause & remember how much we have to be thankful for -- before we get caught up in all the holiday crazy-ness. I have so much to be thankful for & I know that I don't remember to express my gratefulness nearly often enough.
It's easy to be grateful for the normal stuff -- family, friends, roof over your head, food, etc. But how often do we stop to thank God for what He's done in our lives -- the trials He has brought us through (or is currently taking you through), the lessons we have had to learn (sometimes the hard way!), & the every day miracles He has done around us (that we rarely stop to recognize). It's easy to complain about the "bad" stuff that happens day in & day out, but when it's "all over" & the dust settles, do we remember to thank Him for what we've learned or for working everything out?
I know that I frequently get so caught up in the every day, self-centered "stuff" that I forget to really take into consideration that He sees the "big picture"...& it's not all about ME!
So, as I bustle around getting ready to host Thanksgiving in a house ready for Christmas, I must stop & consciously be thankful for everything...& most of all be thankful that He sent us His only Son so that we may have everlasting life. The decision is ours. Be Thankful.


MissTawn said...

Good post, Sistah Friend! And so true...thanks for the reminder!


Jodi said...

Hi Jenn! Good to hear from you...I am so glad our blogs bumped into one another. I've enjoyed your blog. Great pictures!