Saturday, September 20, 2008

Company, Kitty & Vacation...

My Uncle Mike & Aunt Sandy were able to stop by on their way home from their vacation in Branson. We missed being there at the same time as they were by mere hours, but were very happy to get to spend a few hours with them.

Of course no visit would be complete without a few games of Mexican Train Dominos! We had a lot of fun & we each won a round...WOOWOO!!! ;-)

TJ was also VERY interested in our game & kept trying to play...heehee!
He finally got bored though, & went to lay on the floor...he blends in quite well to the floor, don't you think???
Before they left bright & early this morning. :-(
Kitty has discovered the joy of boxes. He LOVES them & we figure that it's fine with entertainment! haha.

Well, this time tomorrow we'll be in Branson enjoying the first few hours of our vacation. I'm VERY excited to be getting away for 8 days (though I'm sure I'll miss my little baby kitty) & I'm sure it will fly by & we'll be back to "normal life" all too soon. Hope ya'll have a good week!

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